Bonaire Bird Blog

The Bonaire Bird Blog will keep you up-to-date on the island’s latest news and bird sightings.

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On the Bonaire Bird Blog, you will find information about Bonaire’s birds, birding hot-spots, conservation tips, island birdwatching events, as well as recent notable sightings.  Peruse the blog’s various posts prior to your birding tour on Bonaire.  By learning more about Bonaire’s birds in advance, you’ll enjoy your tour to the fullest extent.

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The latest posts from the Bonaire Bird Blog:

Help Out the Flying Pintails on Global Big Day 2024

Help Out the Flying Pintails on Global Big Day 2024

Get ready for an exhilarating birding event coming up this Saturday—the highly anticipated Global Big Day 2024! Once again, I am thrilled to be a part of Team Flying Pintails, led by the esteemed BirdsCaribbean Executive Director, Lisa Sorenson.

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A Neon Pink Surprise–A Marbled Godwit Visits Bonaire!

A Neon Pink Surprise–A Marbled Godwit Visits Bonaire!

While birding recently in the southern salt ponds, a splash of color caught my eye. Tucked amongst the familiar Black-necked Stilts, a large shorebird sported an unmistakable feature – a shockingly pink bill with a black, elongated tip. This wasn’t

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Slow Birding on Bonaire

Slow Birding on Bonaire

Inspired by Dr. Joan E. Strassmann’s captivating book, “Slow Birding” in 2023 I embarked on a year-long adventure in my “home patch.” Armed with curiosity, a comfortable chair, and of course my camera, my garden was

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Birding by Ear–Learn How on Bonaire

Birding by Ear–Learn How on Bonaire

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of birding-by-ear. We’ll explore avian melodies and discuss the benefits, techniques, and wonders of identifying Bonaire’s birds through their unique songs and calls.

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Bonaire Bird Identification in 4 Easy Steps

Bonaire Bird Identification in 4 Easy Steps

Are you intrigued by the ability of local bird guides to identify birds with just a glance or by listening to their unique calls? It may seem like magic, but the truth is that bird identification is a skill that can be learned

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Year-round Birding Seasons on Bonaire

Year-round Birding Seasons on Bonaire

I often get asked, “When is the best Bonaire birding season?” It is a difficult question to answer, because we have various birdwatching seasons on Bonaire, and each season, indeed each month, can offer a new

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A Day in the Life of Osprey F54

A Day in the Life of Osprey F54

Fall migration is when those of us birding on Bonaire begin to see the arrival of many migratory species, including the majestic Osprey.  Although we do observe Ospreys year-round, the population greatly increases during

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Avian Thermoregulation–How Birds Keep Cool

Avian Thermoregulation–How Birds Keep Cool

The heat index seems to climb with each passing day here on Bonaire, as we’re in September, generally our hottest month of the year. It’s not only sweltering for us humans, but also for many of our feathered friends.

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